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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
chocolate goodness i have a chocolate flavoured ass. mish titties, amir and i were at crown having lunch. as i got up, i thought to myself, "my arse feels damp. maybe it's my imagination." then eventually it gets to me and i touch my bum. it WAS wet. "eeewww!! is my bum WET??" mish titties gets a good look. "oh yeah it is!" and then i realise my bag's wet from my spilt chocolate milk. brings a whole new meaning to "sweet ass lisha". so there're mish titties and i in the bathroom. she's drying my bag while i try bending over to dry my ass. i got funny looks from other people. mish titties couldn't resist taking a photo. i'll post it up later... just for a laugh. Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 5:59 pm
2 random retorts
*SLURRRRRPPPPP*....hahaha...lick-delish. ;)
*yum yum* i lurvvve chocolate milk!!! ~ wink wink ~
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