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Friday, June 24, 2005
if only... we could ctrl + z in the real world. like for instance, ctrl + z to the time before global warming. coz it's shitting me off. it's so cold, so fucking cold here. and i bet it's so hot, so fuckin hot in KL. the weatherman has definitely chucked a hissy fit. three weeks ago it was the dryest, warmest winter we've had since i-don't-know-when. now it's been pissing down with rain the last week, dropping down to zero degrees during the day, snowing in adelaide hills. i mean... wat the fuck man. wat the fuck. i have finally achieved grandma material status! picked up crocheting last night and started making my nice warm scarf (as a "fuck you" to winter)... and i'm almost one quarter of the way through. it's soooooo addictive! it's like old people's secret drug. ok. i don't reeeeaaally think knitting and crocheting are just for old people ok. i'm not that ignorant. but i am cold. Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 2:37 pm ![]()
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