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Friday, October 28, 2005
come out come out wherever you are i fucking lost my eyeliner. i honestly do not know how. i hate losing shit. i blame rabbit for this. he interrupted my routine yesterday. on the other hand, i was saved by the rabbit, my flash guru. i hate flash. i repeat, i hate flash. it requires too much creative common sense which i quite obviously lack. FUCK! where's my eyeliner?!?!?! *cry* if only i had natural beauty like xiaoyang or luscious or bambi. damn you all. Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 9:36 am
5 random retorts
err.. louyau mike - u also always losing yr eyeliner ah?
mike - i dare not put any photos up of me without make-up for fear of grossing people out. hahaha.
if my memory serves me well, you still look hot with or without your make up *wink*
haha thanx abes. in that case, i think your memory is failing your horribly.
ahahaha mike, dun angry la.. forgot to signoff earlier :P
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