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Monday, October 31, 2005
* couple alert * if you hate couples and don't want to read anything remotely to do with couples then... go away (i decided not to be rude). now. or press your back button. or continue your endless blog surfing because you have nothing better to do. for the rest who care or just want to "pat" (be a busybody)... well... watever. it's been 6 short months and jet and i celebrated last night at the belgian beer cafe. i had a craving for mussels for some bizarre reason. bizarre because i've never really liked mussels all that much. prelude: saturday i spent three hours walking around looking for a glass/pyrex rectangle baking dish that would be deep enough to make tiramisu in. well... i shopped in between too, but that's besides the point. but i couldn't seem to find this particular dish anywhere so i thought as a last resort i'd go to coles since i had to buy ingredients for the tiramisu anyway. failed. so i lugged around the groceries, toiletries i'd just bought, and a heavy-ass book on packaging design i'd picked up from readers feast. by this time my shoulders were aching, my hands were dying from plastic bags cutting into them and my feet were aching from all the walking. yes... i'm a prissy little princess. shut up and let me continue. i finally managed to find the stupid pyrex baking dish in good old Target. lugged everything back to bambi's place. i invaded her kitchen shamelessly. then i realised, i didn't have enough eggs!! so i walked back to coles to get a tray of eggs. man... that's a lot of love. two hours later... a massive tray of tiramisu was ready for a night of setting. it allows the alcohol to seep right through, you see. i put in double the recommended amount of kahlua. *hee hee* end of prelude. jet and i decided we wanted to get really dressed up to go out for fun. and we rocked up to belgian beer cafe to be confronted by a mass crowd of people hanging around the garden getting absolutely wasted and making the hugest mess. i thought... well... it should be better inside the restaurant. wrong. it was fucking packed and loud as an english hooligan pub. fantastic setting for an anniversary dinner. and then... to make things more awkward, jet realised he didn't have any cash with him since he assumed eftpos is accepted everywhere. so he hijacked a waitress and asked, "excuse me, do you take eftpos? " the waitress smirked, "no, we don't, sorry." the look on jet's face was a classic. smooth going baby. lucky it wasn't a first date. so i said "don't worry. you can put it on my credit card first. they should take credit card right?" he hijacks the same waitress. "ermm... you do take credit card right?" she laughed and said "don't stress over it. yes we do." "oh good. coz i thought we'd end up having to wash dishes" i joked jet was terribly embarassed about the whole thing, the poor dear. boys... learn from his lesson. you may not all have the liberty of an understanding chick like me!! (or so i'd like to think) on the bright side... the escargot hit the spot. the mussels definitely hit the spot. i felt like a pig with the whole pot of mussels in front of me. the girls on the next table were looking at my mussels in disbelief. one of them nearly gave me a heart attack when she suddenly appeared next to me and asked if the mussels were good. i nearly died. i'm a bit jumpy like that. i think my reaction almost gave her a heart attack in return. after dinner, we indulged in tiramisu. it's pretty good if i may say so myself. hehe. my longest post ever. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 11:26 pm ![]()
5 random retorts
Men's alter ego ... :) Sure embarrased lah if can't pay. :) Wow ... glorious food i must say. And romantic surroundings ... any violionist? That would be superb.
haha the only atmoespheric noise we had were australians getting pissed in the background at the bar.
And I was so distracted by the lack of food images that I forgot to say
HAPPY 6 MONTHS Lish-Delish and Turbo Jet!
well... we ate them before there was a chance to take photos!! hahaha. i'm waiting for jet to send me some pics to edit.
and thanks mish titties!!
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