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Monday, October 31, 2005
hush little baby don't say a word rush @ hush bar was... hush. bambi, jm and i turned up about half an hour late to find luscious, beow, guai lo ben and alky ben sitting in a nearby pub. about 40 minutes after we turned up, the lesbos followed. i think there was some miscommunication as they thought we were supposed to meet at 12 instead of 11. tardiness does not make a happy luscious lips. as we walked into hush bar, we noticed it was kinda empty. the music wasn't great either. the bar wasn't even finished yet apparently. red cello paper was manually stuck to the windows to create a redlight atmosphere. we ordered two bottles and luscious decided we were all going to migrate to lavish. so between us all we emptied both bottles in about half an hour. this served to lift everyone's spirits as we suddenly became a rather rowdy bunch on the way to lavish. bambi and i squashed together in the boot of luscious' and beow's CRV. we relived our childhood days pretending we were on a family road trip. rolled up at lavish to find it jam packed. exams apparently don't affect too many people. certainly not ME!! the molestations began. boob grabbing, grinding, butt-groping. if we were guys, no female would be safe. being the violent drunk that she is, luscious grabbed at bambi's top, ripping away the masking tape that held it together. now now no need to get too excited. nothing was revealed. potong stim... we made a mad dash to the car for the emergency masking tape. the bouncer stopped us. "sorry no passes out." "her top's coming off!!" i protested bouncer was unsure of what to say to that some guy next to the bouncer piped in "can i have a look?" bambi retorts "NO!!" "her top's coming off!" i repeated "we'll be quick" bambi flashes him a smile "umm.. okay. sure." he resigns he can't exactly say no to that now can he. so next time you can't get a pass out, maybe you should try that. i don't think it'll be quite as effective for males though... somehow. okay. photo time. hardly any photos were taken coz hush was just that shit. and lavish was just that packed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 6:48 pm ![]()
2 random retorts
so what do women like these use at night before they sleep? Boots 2-1 toner/cleanser make-up remover or a hammer and chisel?
neither. we sleep with it and it mysteriously disappears in the morning.
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