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Thursday, October 27, 2005
i'm almost there.... two more days. i'm counting down the hours til i'm done with this semester. i'm at the stage where i'm actually wishing i had exams instead of assignments. i miss studying from textbooks. no... really!! i do. though obviously about half interesting subjects. i'll regret saying that if i ever do have exams again. ANYWAYYYY... moving on. i had bizarre dreams yesterday. one of which must have been inspired by lisa van dyck. some lesbian chick raped me. i won't go into details. it's far far far too explicit and i really don't want anyone getting any visuals. i'll just mention handcuffs and a SUPER HUGE strap-on. aside from that... i was a guy. there was this woman who was mistreating this young girl. wrapping rope around her neck and yanking her and stuff. shooting her everytime she couldn't do something because she was being choked by the rope. very morbid. and me? i kept trying to save the day by grabbing the gun and shooting the woman. any dream analysis? i used to dream about death almost every night for two years straight. someone trying to kill me, me killing someone, mass murders, etc. i've got a morbid mind. Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 11:00 am
1 random retorts
It means ... you have repulsive eating disorder? *don't ask* ...
When you dream bout you are a guy ... did you happen to *wink ... you know* ... go ...*wink* check ... your ...*wink* ... you know? ... neh ... BIG BOY? *I know i can be disgusting sometimes ... devil-may-care! Hah!*
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