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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
i'm a walking contradiction okay. so you know how i said i'm not an alcoholic? well... that's true. but this post is going to make me sound like one. but whatever...!! *bambi* introduced me to Brown Brothers Moscato (i blame you!) and i have been obssessed about it since!! i'm not a huge wine drinker. 10 points for being unrefined. pfft. we all know i'm terribly uncultured. but this stuff is soooooo goooooooddddd. i can drink a whole bottle by myself... although admittedly i haven't because i'm a cheap drunk and i'd be passed out if i tried to. i'm not like bambi. =p *dodges sharp witty comeback* my point is..... TRY IT!! it's like lolly water. you can't even taste the alcohol in it. which is dangerous but it tastes so fucking good, i don't care. in fact... i'm having some now while conjuring up lies for my studio journal. (they expect us to keep an ongoing journal... yeah right.) Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 10:30 pm
2 random retorts
This sounds yum. Am gonna try it! :)
dan: haha yes that woman needs to blog more.
mooi: haha. remember i'm not responsible for anything that may happen!!
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