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The WeatherPixie


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

exit stage

i have created a new blog because i can't stand looking at this fugly piece of shit anymore.

for those who would like to continue the journey with me... come on over to exodus of a girl but don't be expecting no master artwork coz i HATE html!!

i'm outta here. it was a good ride while it lasted.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 9:02 pm

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

malaysia is... FANTASTIC

i just read this on BBC and i am just absolutely and utterly appalled yet unfazed by such incidents. heck, it's no secret that the malaysian government consists of an ignorant, narrow-minded, dim-witted and utterly corrupted bunch of assholes.

BBC's take on Malaysia's mystery migrant deaths

it is disgusting.

and people wonder why a majority of malaysians haven't got an ounce of patriotism in their blood. heck, most of us don't even care about voting because our choices are so limited. would you like to vote for the corrupt or the corrupt? hmmmm....

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 8:45 pm

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At 11:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

I think that was exceptionally succinct. I just read the article and man...I remember saying to BT over dinner that "The greatness of a country shouldn't be judged upon the highest in the society but rather how the lowest and disenfranchised are treated" or something to that effect. It makes me sick too. This is where I should have a solution but it'd be far too offensive to put online. *see you tonight babe!

At 5:44 pm, Blogger smith rebutted...

Free 우리카지노 on line casino games no obtain are accessible to bettors at zero price


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i'm stuck, i'm screwed, i'm fuct

warning: the following content may depress, annoy or bore readers.

it's march. in three months i'll have finished uni. "That's great!!" some people think. not me. nope. after that... then what? i have no direction. there are so many things i want to do but unfortunately lack the talent or passion. i'm always worried about not being good enough, or not being as good as others. so i end up wasting time and waiting for something less challenging which i may step up to.

perhaps my only passion is my desire to travel. but there again, lies a dilemma. do i look for a proper job after graduating so i can survive while saving up for a car, a house and holidays... like every other typical asian. that's the way we're brought up isn't it?

yet i look at all my friends from kangaroo island having the time of their lives just doing odd jobs, saving up and travelling for months on end. no plans, no commitments, new people, new places, crazy fun.

so my dilemma is... after graduating, do i get a proper job, get tied down and probably regret it for the rest of my life? or do i just say fuck it, i'll work a part time job for a few months and save up to travel? if i choose the latter, will i be able to survive? and being the clueless, dependent person i am... i doubt i'll be able to travel alone. any volunteers?

live to survive or live to experience?

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 12:39 pm

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At 8:16 pm, Blogger kinkybluefairy rebutted...

Hey... that's how *i* feel. Then i'm afraid that if i do what i WANT to first, travel and such, then i'd get left behind career-wise :(

But then i remember what my aunty said (she's like, super duper fun and cool)

"Work first, get the money, you have all the time in the world and places to go once you have the money."


At 8:56 pm, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

hehe yea but i have a feeling, by the time i have enough money i'll be old, saggy and wrinkly!! how to skank in the foreign clubs like that??

ultimately i would like to travel budget style when young and then travel in luxury when older. *grin*

At 10:27 pm, Blogger *Dream Weaver* rebutted...

bugger it!!!
WOE is me... :(

Don't think about it Lish, think about it when it comes... no point wondering now. Seriously it only manages to depress you even more. BLEH!!!

At 12:16 am, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

i think i've decided to go free lance and work part time then get the hell outta here for a couple of months.

you up for it? hee hee.

At 1:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

just use your parents money since you're so rich...


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Monday, February 27, 2006

everyday should be like this...

sunshine... palm trees... warm breeze... half-naked men and skanks... gelati... and your other half. well such a day came about resulting in jet and i trekking down to st kilda beach (if you can call it a beach). disadvantages of not having a car.

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ahhhh... everyday should be like this. something to note... it's quite awkward being on the beach filled with half naked people when you're fully dressed. i'm used to being underdressed... not the other way round.

as phil scathingly commented not so long ago... "you hardly wear any clothes."
translation :
"you're a skank."

why, thank you.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 11:50 pm

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

syriana *snore*

jet and i decided to take advantage of tight arse tuesday movie night. we decided to either go for underworld II or syriana. unfortunately underworld II was sold out. so... syriana it was.

politics and business. definitely NOT my thing. big big mistake. i saw the cast : george clooney, matt damon and amanda peet. two of my favourite actors... i figured, yeah should be cool. it makes you realise how long two hours can be.

i totally didn't understand what was going on (that's probably just me). all i heard was business & political language which resulted in me tuning out automatically. so many scenes seemed out of place and totally unnecessary.

basically... i thought it was shit. but if politics is your thing... you might enjoy it. it's got an ending that you probably won't expect.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 5:14 pm

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Friday, February 17, 2006


i'll get off my lazy arse and start writing absolute rubbish. you're probably wondering what the hell i've been doing over the last month. or perhaps you couldn't really give a rats ass... or maybe you're just pretending you don't give a damn pesos. such is the voyeuristic society we currently live in.

although... voyeuring on this site would be an absolute waste of your time as i am totally deprived of anything exciting. and no... contrary to popular belief i have NOT been shagging my brains out, thank you very much.

the last month in a nutshell...

i spent much time mulling at home in KL wallowing in homesickness for melbourne. my dad was in a state of shock as i'm usually hardly ever home.

i stayed with jet and his family for 9 days in bangkok. once again... no shagfest. after a whole day of shopping, eating, shopping, eating and more shopping... who has energy to shag la? bangkok was cool. i cannot believe the amount of shopping there is!!! it was heaven. shamefully, due to expending all my energy on shopping, i didn't get to experience the nightlife everyone raves about. next time...

chinese new year was OH SO HOT and tiring. it gets less fun as each year passes by. i start to question the point of certain customs and traditions.

and the rest of my time has been spent house hunting and organising living arrangments... i hear you yawning. stop it. unfortunately, we have been rather unlucky so far as all the places we've looked at have either been taken or are just not worth taking.

and... that's it.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 7:13 pm

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At 3:42 am, Blogger michaelcsm rebutted...

well ... it was nice having you around although we didn't really hang as much as we normally do. :)

i guess you didnt have such a good trip back this time around eh?

i hope you're feeling better now. next time you come back, we try and have a little more fun k?

p/s: will try not to be too moody! *grin.

At 1:38 pm, Blogger Wimal rebutted...

Weather is HOT. Fortunately, nowadays there's rain but it's still HOT! :P

Well, the original purpose and reason for such customs and traditions are probably long gone since this traditions are passed down by verbal teachings from generation to generation without stating why it is done.


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Thursday, January 05, 2006

i am exhausted

i am definitely getting older. fuck. yesterday i tagged along with with justin, chin, viji, carys & ling for their chinese new year shopping in KL. i'm saving myself for bangkok.

while driving to KL, chin was trying to fix his screwed up cd player. apparently you have one second to open the player and press the eject button before the whole things switches off. naturally, justin starts talking about his fantastic finger skills and starts poking and prodding.

chin decides to just listen to the radio. justin's itchy fingers decided to poke somemore... and broke the player.

"eh fucker!! why you do that for?! at least we had radio!! now radio also don't have!!"
"ahaha. oops. fucker you poke poke, i also want to poke poke la!"
"fuckeeerrrrr!! now my car no more radiooooo!!"

how many idiots does it take to eject a cd?

justin's mission to find a pair of jeans in sungei wang failed miserably. two hours later...

"eh these jeans are alright."
"err turn it around and see if got funky pattern or not?"
"oh yeah hor."
"you are actually expecting to find a NORMAL pair of jeans in sungei wang?"
"good point. fuck.this was a stupid idea."
"err... yes."

we soon decided it was time to hit happy hour and headed down to planet hollywood. frozen margarita baybehhh.

after dinner kuan fei, justin and i decided to have a few games of snooker. i was a complete fuck up. but then came along collin to save the day. we played for a jug of beer and a martini (for me). collin kicked ass... i just hit the balls and screwed up shots for people.

collin and i decided to collect our rewards and we went to the closest bar - Qbar. it wasn't as ah lian as i thought it would be. i suppose they don't come out on weeknights?

after a long day... i was fucking exhausted. and i still am. wow... i'm old.

man..... that was like a bloody report.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 4:31 pm

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At 12:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

Looks who's talking? You are getting old? NO WAY! Look at me! I am called *OLD*!

At 4:36 am, Blogger michaelcsm rebutted...

oi woman!

what is this? so bz ar? no updates whtsoever...sumore you just upped and left!

i kid i kid.

anyway, just here to say...go to thehomecomingdiaries.blogspot.com if you got free time...check it out...a new play that will be staged soon. i could have been in it if not for my blardy exams (you can read about it in my blog) ... spread the word!

take care woman...


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Wednesday, January 04, 2006


i have only just found out that i have had my ass conned majorly. over the last month i've bought 15 dvds. and i thought they were ALL dvd 9.

i ALWAYS ask:

"clear or not?"
"this one... clear. that one not so clear yet."
okay la. he seems honest enough - i think to myself.
"is it dvd9?"

fuckers. print the dvd 9 icon on ALL their dvds. i told patrick i get my dvds for RM10.

"so cheap? must be dvd 5."
"no it's dvd 9."
"put the disc in your comp and check the capacity."

he was right. it's dvd 5. fuckers conned my ass!!

DIE DIE DIE!! *making stabbing motion*

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 3:17 pm

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At 2:58 pm, Blogger Wimal rebutted...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 3:05 pm, Blogger Wimal rebutted...

OMG that's just so lame, I mean my mix up. I ter click to many comments until I post wrong comment on ur blog. sorry. Wanted to ask u something else actually, wanted to know how to tell the difference between a layer 9 and 5?

At 9:02 pm, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

my cousin told me to check the capacity of the cd. dvd 5 should be 4.something gig and dvd9 should be 8.something...

some shit like that. haha


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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

return of the slack skank

first things first.

and all that crap...
while everyone was busy getting plastered on new year's eve, i simply spent a very chilled night at tntTony's bbq. gambling. if you ever had any doubt about my chinese background, DOUBT NO MORE!!

so engrossed were we in our cards that... we... missed... the... countdown.

michael was the banker for blackjack. there were about 10 of us altogether.


"one more round!!"
"hah? is there enough time?"
"can la... can la..."

i look at the clock.


i look at my cards. decide whether to take more cards. i look at the clock again.


"eh!! we missed the countdown!!"
"oh yeah. err... happy new year."
"happy new year..." everyone mutters in shock/disbelief

we all shake hands and hug. back to blackjack!!

so we missed the transition between 2005 to 2006. bad luck. but you know... it really doesn't make any difference.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 3:42 pm

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At 2:51 pm, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

i don't make new year resolutions... that way i never break any. haha.


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Friday, December 09, 2005

birthday? what birthday?

it was bambi's birthday yesterday... which means she is four days skankier than me!! i am dreading my birthday. the closer it gets, the more i sweat from fear.

i just know the alcos are out to get me. even though they know just how much of a pussy drinker i am. no shame no mercy.

just as well i'm flying off to bandung tomorrow. have to wake up at bloody 4am in the morning. THAT is truly an ungodly hour of the morning. even the roosters will be deep in sleep dreaming about their harem of chicks waiting in line to be screwed.

so... this is it from me til i get back on my birthday on monday. don't miss me too much.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 7:48 pm

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At 3:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

Ah ... i forsee some really nice posts after you come back from ya trip ...! Yeee!

At 3:18 pm, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

hehe yeah once i get my hands on photoshop to install on this laptop... =)


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softbians, wine and vodka

last night was mambo night. gene picked me up in his "love cruiser" before we picked xiaoyang up. the door opens and she stumbles in giggling.

"i am officially drrrunnkkk..." she slurrs.

bloody hell. couldn't wait a couple more hours to drink with us. stooopid woman had a bottle of wine before coming to mambo, and tried to pass out in gene's car on the way to velvet. i am so not related to her. in attempt to keep her awake, i had to molest her boobies. well... it worked!! gene was distraught over being left out since he was driving.

"whhhyyyyy? whhhyyyyy??" he wailed in despair.

as usual, gene kept making us drink. he doesn't realise that not everybody has a stainless steel liver like his. he drank wine with cam and vodka with me. i have no idea why we had vodka instead of whisky. after so many months of whisky training... i suddenly realised... i have been successfully converted coz last night's vodka tasted like crap going in and coming out.

towards the end of the night, we, the incestuous duo, decided to go outside for some fresh air and wait for gene while he slutted with some jap chicks. we sat on the rocks and started a heated debate over the whole death penalty thing.

two drunk chicks sitting outside a club arguing about what's humane and what's not. that's not how it usually goes, is it? it's usually two girls hugging and squealing about how much they love each other... even though they bitch about each other. *sigh* women...

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 2:35 am

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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

and all that jazz...

I've been back two days and my week is already booked up. Everyone expects you to call them the second you arrive, and if you don't, you start getting shit like "OH… thanks for calling!!" dripping with sarcasm. Or you might get a "Ya laaaa… SOMEONE’S too busy for me." Don't put me on the bus for a guilt trip, damn it.

HELLO?? Why can't you bloody idiots call ME??!!

Yesterday, I was supposed to meet up with my darling xiaoyang who decided to ditch me for vanity purposes. Bah. No love. *dodging her WTF look* so I tagged along with Michael, or Lucius as he calls himself at 8:30pm every night until Sunday, to run some errands since well… I am as free as Garfield.

I followed my infamous godmother, Pat, and my godsisters to a jazz performance at the Philharmonics. I was quite looking forward to it assuming it would be a quartet or something. It turned out to be a piano duet and let's just say we left during the intermission.

It's not that they sucked terribly. But really… it’s the kind of music I listen to while cleaning my room, cooking, or having a big yummy piece of osso bucco. Watching two pianists sit there bashing the keys just isn't that exciting. There's only so much movement you can have while playing the piano. My ass was numb and my godsisters and I were counting down the number of songs left.

On the bright side, since Uncle Yong gets free balcony seats, so we had a nice little suite to chill in. Tumpang glamour.

Justin happily called me up to ask me out for drinks with Sam, Kuan Fei (almost felt like a Samad reunion), his friends Carolyn and Viji. After little persuasion, I decided to tag along and be sociable. House session at Justin's with Glenfiddich and a deck of cards. Wheeeeeeeee. My warm-up for mambo tomorrow night.

Sam and Carolyn left early. So it was just me and the boys. The boys were highly amused when I started scratching all over the place. I get some kind of allergic reaction when I mix alcohol and seafood. They were slightly disturbed and concerned and decided to just make me drink water. Aaaaawwwwwwwwww.

List of food to eat before going back to Melbourne:

Char kuay teow
Nasi lemak biasa
Lap chap choy
Nga poh lo shu fun
Fung zhao
(coz I am the Chicken Feet Monster!)
Yok Choy Kai
Bak kut teh
Duck Rice
Chicken Chop
(malaysians created this non-existent body part)

I got my pan mee straight after being picked up from the airport. Hehe. And I shall have lots more!!

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 2:22 pm

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Sunday, December 04, 2005

hasta luego melbourne y mi amigos

desperately trying to piece together as much spanish as i can remember... which really, is not alot. so anyway... sing it with me now!!


well i do know when i'll be back again but nyeh.... stupid lyrics. and now my summer holidays TRULY start!! i am really... really... really... looking forward to a bowl of pan mee, a plate of char kuey teow and a packet of nasi lemak biasa. if i had a bigger stomach, i'd have them all at once. alas... it is not.

i've been lao sai-ing (purging/diorrhea) since friday night. jin min!! what did you put in that tom yam?? it's going to be a VERY VERY VERY unpleasant flight if it doesn't decide to stop right now. definitely need an aisle seat... or things could get messy before i manage to squeeze out past fat laps to the toilets.

daddy... i'm coming home!!

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 12:16 pm

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At 1:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

OH man! I wanna go too! Man! No!

At 3:24 pm, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

hahaha. i'll eat a share for you. =p time to go back to C&R then?


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Wednesday, November 30, 2005


before i leave this koala infested, possum inhabited island. BACK TO MELBOURNE!! yaaayyyyy!! i've been promised molestation by bambi. wheeeee... and chocolate cake. now THAT my friends... is incentive.

three short, chaotic days before i jet back to KL. i'm really thinking of asking my dad to tapau pan mee for me on the way to the airport. *drool* just so i can smell it all the way back home and rip the plastic apart before gobbling it up. no ladylike table manners there.

hasta luego baybeh... i'm out!

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 2:19 pm

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At 2:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous rebutted...

Grrrrrrrr .... ROAR! LISHA !!!!!!!!!!!!! Echoes over mountains ...

At 10:30 am, Blogger Alysia S. rebutted...

hahaha watchu roaring about?


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Saturday, November 26, 2005


*mimic cheerleading cheer*

someone's getting older
she'll soon notice she's wrinklier
and her tits are becoming saggier

but that's alright, that's ok
coz we still love you anyway
that's alright, that's ok
we just wanna wish you

muahahahaha. payback for 21 years of torment!! i hope you're having an awesome day wherever you are... tanjung jara, pangkor laut or watever ben lim decides to conjure up. have lots of great sex, drinks lots of great wine/whisky/whatever your damaged liver can take and well... have more great sex.

but don't tell me about it.

Alysia S. procrastinated again @ 3:45 pm

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